
If you are on this page, you have been nominated by an existing ATL Costa Rica member to join our tribe. Now, there are a few things that will happen from here:

  1. We ask that you please complete this nomination form.
  2. Once we receive your form, we will discuss your membership with your nominating member and other members of our tribe.
  3. Then, once all goes according to plan, we will schedule a video call between you and our Membership Committee.
  4. Once the Membership Committee meets, and votes, you will be extended a membership invitation.

There are a few things that we ask from ATL Costa Rica members:

  1. We ask that you abide by the membership documents at all times.
  2. We ask that you plan to attend our epic events in Costa Rica (once or twice per year).
  3. We ask that you pay your annual dues.
  4. Since this is a 100% volunteer organization, we ask that you volunteer to serve on a committee (it takes maybe an hour a month, on average, and is a labor of love).
  5. We ask that you nominate at least one really great potential member per year so that we can grow our tribe and spread the transformational work that we are doing in the world.

We look forward to the possibility of joining you on your journey to transform the world.